The success of CHATEAU ALLAMAN's GRAND CRU VINEYARDS is based on the traditions, experience and dedication of the Castle's winemaster, who brings his talent to the 800 year old estate, prime grounds and highest quality grapes.
The harvesting is done by hand-selected clipping of only the finest of GRAND CRU grapes to ensure the highest quality of the final product.
No toxic products are utilised anywhere on the agriculture lands.
The operation of the Château Allaman vineyards is entrusted to the Swiss leader, the SCHENK WINE GROUP in Rolle, Switzerland, one of the world's largest wine merchants and distributors.
Chateau d'Allaman's vineyards cover 150.000 square meters or 15 hectares and offers many white and red grape varieties, such as Chasselas, Pinot Noir, Gamay, Gamaret and Garanoir.
The Castle Estates and Grand Cru Vineyards rank among the larger operations in Switzerland.